
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fall Decor on White Hutch and Corner Cabinet

Just a few pics of some of the fun I have around the house decorating for Fall. 
I love to use vintage bottles for just about everything. 

Don't you agree they have a beauty all their own, come any season.
And i've been moving things from hutch to  table. Just foofin around, enjoying the sunlight.
Adding simple little adornments to the bottles.

And tying up little stacks of pumpkin colored vintage books from the thirties.

I like how these little hints of autumn colors stand out, set against my white hutch, and my corner cabinet at our home.

A couple black ravens escaped from the basement to bring in the Halloween spirit. :0)

Hope ya'll have a super Happy Halloween this weekend!
 Joining these parties:
Nifty Thrifty Tues @Coastal Charm
Wow Us Wednesdays #37
~White Wednesday # 123~
Good Life Wendesday @ A Beach Cottage

Transformation thursdays @ Shabby Creek Cottage

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Picky and Pickier hit Cape May, Paint the town!

I had  great weekend and hope all of you in Blogville did too !
My sis and I went to Cape May for the film festival and had a good time. Come to think of it, last week was pretty cool too.
I used Annie sloan chalk paint for the first time last week, and I have to say it's a fun paint to work with.
I was thinking it was sort of expensive. But once i used it, I changed my mind. it goes a long way, and you really do not need to prime.
Here is the piece I worked on. I chose the paris Grey as my first paint color to try.

I hand sanded along the edges in strategic places for a worn, distressed look.
I love how this paint sands off!

 I lined all the drawers with pretty paper. And re-used the original hardware.

Here is how it started out... pretty beat up and worked over.

I also got the opportunity to live what has been one  of my life long desires, which was to join one of those co-ops down in Cape May, N. J.
I finally was able to get a little spot! I am so happy to be setting it up with all my vintage finds from over the years.  This piece is one of the first pieces to go in.

I discovered this place called The North End Garage just a few weeks ago, and they had a spot open,
 so I didn't think too hard about it. I signed right up.
 I had just come from the West End Garage where I purchased my paint, and inquired about a spot, which there seems to be a waiting list for. So I was very pleased to get in here.
Cape May is one of those  Beach resort towns that have a super ambiance with lots of  gorgeous Victorian homes. It has some of the prettiest seaside cottages and mansions on the east coast.

So today my sis and I strolled the streets for one last time before she goes back to Florida for the winter!
One last adventure for this year, for Picky and Pickier.

Here are a few photos of why we adore this cute little town.
Just walking through this town is sheer joy.

Fabulous wrought iron fences are all over this town from the heyday of iron workers in Philadelphia.

No 2 house are ever exactly the same.
There are a few that look similar here and there, but all are painted differently.

No matter how many times my sis and I go to Cape May, we always find different houses to drool over.
There are wonderful old slate sidewalks everywhere!
And many still have the hitch for the horse out front. 

And do you know what this thing below  is? 

Can you guess?
 The hitch to the right of it might give you a clue.
It is an old step from the days when stepping down out of a horse drawn carriage could be tricky.
Pretty neat huh?

And I am sure each home has a story all it's own.

This one below could have been used in the Practical Magic movie, they wouldn't have had to build it.
Susan at "between naps on the porch" did a beautiful post last week of all the interior shots of the 
Practical Magic house.

I enjoyed my stroll, I hope you did too!

Joining some parties!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Favorite things to do in the Autumn?

Sorry I haven't posted much during October, but I have been busy painting and a million other things.
I am still working on the guest room/ slash office re-do, and will post some of my progress this weekend.
But I've been waltzing around town taking some pictures here and there, and I wanted to share with you some of the things I enjoy the most in the fall season.
I still love the beach this time of year!
Who wouldn't love this feast for the eyes. The clouds make it so pretty, don't they?
My Cottage is up in that cluster of houses. 
Beach Cruisers waiting for the return of their owners as they walk on the beach, 
no need for chains and locks.

Just around the bend of the beach up looks like you can jump and touch those clouds!

Around the bend is the lighthouse.

Looking Halloweenie even without it's decor yet.

I've discovered a few new shops too, and especially wanted to mention 
the North End Garage in Cape May.
I was drawn in immediately when I spotted the front window. I love vintage bottles.
they're multi-colored glass sparkling in the sun.

I love to browse around these places. this one has a few different dealers.
 I love all the different rugs on the floor.

I adore this perfect size trunk.
So eclectic.

And this cute little dresser has smuckers lids as handles. I love that idea!

Ok.. so I have to get back to working on my guest/ office room. I posted that plan here.
I knew it would be a long journey, lots of other things to do along the way.

This bed and this bureaux below are what I have been working on, painting

Here is a sneak peak at the bed still in progress.

It is a three step process, for the many layers look I'm after. 
the headboard just has the grey as of yet.
the footboard has the 2nd step also

Annie Sloan Paris grey
Then Annie sloan Off white dry brushed over that
Then some sanding.
This entire room is being redone with just the cost of paint.
All the furniture I am using has been taken from different rooms in the house or storage.
And this pretty antique pitcher will be getting a sweet spot in the new room.
Isn't it the sweetest thing?

I'm off to do some more work on my little Frenchy room.

Have a great weekend!
Join in some partays!!!!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Last night's Beautiful Beach Walk

Has anybody noticed how pretty the sky has been this last week?
I went for a walk in the evening last night and this is what I saw!
 Good Lord above!