
Monday, May 9, 2011

The Soul of a Flower

Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made, and forgot to put a soul into.  ~Henry Beecher, Life Thoughts, 1858

Who says that the flower has no soul? 
How do we really know that? 

They effect us in such peaceful ways!

The flowers in my garden carry so many magical moments with them year after year as they return to bring me their joyous little buds... springing forth which such abandon.

Any container you put them in is happy to embrace them!

Any table set with flowers is instantly cheered.

Can't imagine our planet without their force.

Without their beauty

Their softness.
Understated glory.


Posting over at these parties


  1. Oh, how gorgeous. And I do believe flowers have a soul. . How could something so beautiful and living not have one? You captured the loveliness so well in your photos. Thank so much for sharing some loveliness. Karie

  2. ooooh i love the quote! and the roses are my favorite! thanks for stopping by today.


  3. Such pretty things you have. Not just the flowers, but the purple vintage bowl is so pretty, and I love the crocheted lace doily. Together, they made the prettiest pictures, so thanks for sharing!

  4. Beautiful flowers and you captured their beauty so well in your photos.


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