
Friday, May 11, 2012

Mother's Day Mood

There are so many wonderful things you can give that will last more than just the day.

  ... a great day to get flowers and begin gardens

 Creating pretty spots to meander through for a peaceful moment, that last for years to come.

A  hydranga or rose bush will always bring  so many days of joy.

This is one of my favorite watering cans.
Kitty actually thinks she is hiding here. She pops her head down and back up while I snap a shot.

 I like impatiens. they're hardy. and it's hard for me to kill em. My thumb isn't the greenest.

In my Mother's day mood..I made a little group of vintage bottles that appear to be hugging each other.
A momma and child.

 I found the cutest vintage vanity mirror tray, out thrifting.
 The mirror can slide out, almost like a picture frame! I've never seen that before.
I Hope everyone has a super Mother's day
Thanks so much for stopping by!

I'm off to a couple of parties:
Vintage Inspiration @ Common Ground
Feathered Nest Friday @ French Country Cottage
Sat Night Special @ Funky Junk Interiors


  1. What a beautiful post--your gardens are lovely! I have a painted pitcher that looks just like yours. I love it!

  2. Oh I love how you put the bottles together...very cute!! I got some rose bushes last year...maybe more will come this year too:) Happy Mothers Day!!!


  3. Happy Mother's day to you too!! What pretty pretties! Love the bottles.

  4. I love your old bottles. Great vignette and have a wonderful Mother's Day.


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