
Monday, June 13, 2011

Florida Dining Room, finally Completed Re-do

Finally... I can't tell you how happy I am to have the Dining room in Florida, finally, completely Beachified now.

I am so proud of my new design. My dropcloth slipcovers, redesigned table, and beachified hutch.

I hated the black furniture that came with the purchase. I wanted to trash it.

but because removing the "attached to the wall like cabinets" hutch would have been a major renovation of sheetrock to the wall, the seller did not want to remove it. We never spent  enough time there to do any major reno.
So....I made do by beachifying the entire thing, and the table and chairs got an update to beachified status too. Now I have to say I really treasure it.
 Hutch re-do and how-to posted here.Cottage Beach House: It's been Beachified

Table re-do and How-to posted here Cottage Beach House: Cottage Beach House Table Intervention

The chairs got a dropcloth slipcover made by my sis and I.

The chairs before...

And now...

To add a bit of a personal touch I used  white fabric paint and hand wrote coastal words.
Beach, Ocean, Sail, Sand, Surf, Fish, Waves, Tides...

The overall look of the area is so  much brighter. And the total cost was under 120.00
I spent 60.00 on dropcloths
and 24.99 on paint.
the gripper primer was 19.99
 and my fabric paint was 2.99.
What it took was work, and time. but I love the result. The black had been a bain in my side whenever we would come for a week vacation and I would always say, someday I am going to stay long enough to change that  disaster!      
      So this is how it was. ugggghhhh

This year, with  the kids being a bit older... I felt yes I can finally fix this.. .and off I came to Florida with a mission on my mind.
The table before.. a big chunk of black

That table now

The chairs only half done....looking brighter already :)

and below ...
Feels good to say...Mission complete

Thank You sweet sis of mine... Marilou

Fun to add accessories.

Now setting this table with vintage  milk glass is enjoyable.

Or my simple Correll  plates for lunch.

Posting at my favorite party girls!

White Wednesday @ Faded Charm
Furniture feature friday


thanks for stopping by!


  1. This is such a dramatic and beautiful transformation! I especially like your tabletop. But the change to white makes such a difference. Just beautiful!

  2. You did such a wonderful job on everything in your diningroom, love how you wrote the words with fabric paint...great idea!


  3. Its beautiful and I love your accessories!

    - Anny from

  4. Ooooh you have done wonders with those truly hideous chairs!

  5. Wow, what a major transformation. It looks awesome. I am your 100th follower...CONGRATULATIONS!! I would love for you to come and check out my blog and follow me back at Thanks so much. I still can't get over how your changed ugly chairs to gorgeous.

  6. Wow~a completely different room! It turned out so nice, light and beachy!


  7. I know I'm a late, latecomer, but I wanted to catch up on your dining room. That dining set was some-kind-of-ugly! I cannot believe you got it looking so good.


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