Holy toledo, it's been eleven full days since I posted anything. I have been very busy.
I finally got most of the guest room/ studio finished. I'm just revealing one wall today. The office area/ craft closet.
I have been using this room to pay my bills, blog, and to do small crafting. The banner of old hankies is my Valentine's touch. I plan to use my photos on canvas here. They are mostly beach shots.
I am temporarily using this vintage lacy tablecloth instead of a closet door,

but I like how it looks and might keep it.
This wall before I took over this room, just after my son moved out. He bought his own house. I really should get around to posting some of the renovations he did there, as well.
But back to this room. Here is the before of this particular wall.
Below is the sketch I drew up in September, and this is the wall on the left of that sketch.
My idea sketch of that wall... so things are coming along , a bit at a time.
More of that before room and the idea plan back in September's post
I like how it is coming together from things I pretty much had somewhere in the house, just re-use, and recycling! Just trying to create a pleasing look with things I already have.
Except I did recently buy those hankies!
Another item I spent some time on is this pretty little suitcase table I made at the Beach House with a few coats of paint!
I also decided in late January to open another booth at the antique mall, North End Antiques, Cape May NJ
Last posting I did was about dressing the window there, for Valentine's Day, and now I decided to take the spot by the window. So I will be having lots of fun dressing that window for every Holiday!
Lots of projects that I had to get busy on for that room!
I have sold 3 desks since I opened my 1st booth in mid October so I figured I better paint another desk!
Lucky we had some sunny days and I worked this from the garage.
Half way through I remember the before shot.
And another frenchy nite table I was glad to get my hands on below.
And a peek at it all finished and distressed
Just above it I put an old window, with some vintage hankies, in a banner,
and next to that is an old high chair I painted which was the perfect spot for some vintage vases with roses,
for a little Valentine's display.
I love old crates, especially hanging on the wall so I put a few up,
my favorite one says Cape Cod and it is an old cranberry crate!
So that is the one wall of my new booth.
More to come, lots of other painting projects, and that desk I finished, later.
Happy Valentine's Day to all!
Partying here:
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Primp your Stuff!
Tuesday's Treasures